
2019.04.02 LH Day 2-1815

What Is Douching?

Is vaginal douching all it's cracked up to be? Check out our beginner’s guide to douching to learn the ins and outs of caring for your coochie.

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The Menopause & You

You might think that the menopause means the end of a stellar sex life, or maybe it’s the opposite – and you believe that when your menstrual cycle stops, your libido will rocket, opening the door for more frequent and spontaneous intimacy. For many, the reality settles some place between the two, but what exactly is the menopause, and how does this transition affect us and our sex lives?

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Sharing the love (and everything you need to know about poly pleasure)

The idea of a polyamorous relationship isn’t for everyone. The standard social-acceptable route to a long-lasting relationship often ensues a period of dating, before finding the one then settling into a faithfully monogamous relationship.

While this has long been the traditional expected love scenario, times are swiftly changing and as we’ve become more open about our intimate connections, it seems we’re getting more adventurous about poly relationships too.

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Autism, Sex and Affection

A married couple from Scotland, Alex and Louise met on a night out in Edinburgh 11 years ago. Although the relationship has changed a lot over the years, they are just as much in love today as they were back then. Unfortunately, a car accident six years ago left them both in chronic pain.

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This Week on YouTube: What is an A Spot Orgasm?

Just when you've discovered your G-spot, Annabelle tells you there's another internal hot spot to discover.

Join her as she discusses the elusive A spot, including; how to find it and what toys work best to get you saying: 'Aaaaaaah!'.

If you've enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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This Week on YouTube: Could You Design the Sex Toy of the Future?

Is there a sex toy in your imagination that you've never seen on the market? If you think you've got a future in sex toy design, we want to hear from you. Enter our design a sex toy competition and make your dream a reality.

Enter here.

In this week's video Sammi and Alix give you some tricks and hints on how to satisfy the judges and give your design the best chance.

Don't forget to subscribe to keep up to date with all our vlogs every week!

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