Health Benefits of Sex and Orgasms
on Apr 9, 2021
With all the health benefits that sex and orgasms have to offer, you’d be a fool not to get as much of them in your life as possible.
Most of us Aussies think of sex as an important aspect of a loving relationship, a sexual relationship or a solo activity that feels good. Rarely do we stop to think about the health benefits of sex or the benefits of orgasm. Trust us, if you read on, you’ll discover many of the amazing reasons to enjoy an active sex life, by yourself or with others. Have regular orgasms – they really do have a lot of health benefits.
And if you fancy a little helper, the Lovehoney Ignite Orgasm Gel is just the ticket you need to help yourself along your journey to the fireworks display.
Makes You Happier
When you have an orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is released. This chemical is known to make people happier and huggier.
Researchers in the US studied 4000 women and found a strong association between sexual interest and wellbeing, including a stronger sex drive and better quality of life [1].
Increases Intimacy
That lovely cuddle impulse after orgasm? Thank oxytocin for that, too, for making you want to bond with the person who just gave you your big O. And if that person was you, enjoy the self-love.
According to a US study by evolutionary psychologists, the more one's partner was likely to fall asleep after sex, the stronger the desire for bonding [2].
Boosts Your Immune System
Believe it peeps, sexually active people take fewer sickies. Why?
Our orgasms release a chemical called DHEA, which activates your immune system and promotes bone health and tissue repair. A 2004 German study found that, after orgasm, men had increased levels of leukocytes, which are special cells that help protect your body from illness [3]. Studies with women have found similar results.
Reduces Stress
The benefits of female orgasms were identified in a 2000 survey, when 39% of sampled US women reported polishing the pearl to relax [4]. The big O causes oxytocin levels to rise, which reduces stress. Conversely, low levels of oxytocin are associated with high levels of stress, tension and anxiety disorders.
Helps You Sleep
Trouble nodding off? Have an orgasm. Orgasms flood the brain with both oxytocin and prolactin, hormones that promote relaxation. Add to that the endorphins released during sex and you’re on your way to slumberland.
In a virtuous circle, women getting more sleep increases the odds of having sex by 14%, according to a 2015 study [5].
Boosts Your Libido
Do you wish you had a stronger libido so you could enjoy more sex? According to an expert on the matter, you’ve put the cart before the horse – the answer is more sex. “Having sex will make sex better and will improve your libido,” says Lauren Streicher, MD. The benefits of female orgasms include a boosted libido.
Doing a bit of mattress mambo increases blood flow to your lovin’ oven, amps up the lubrication factor and increases elasticity. The result? You’re primed for good sex and better libido.
Improves Your Skin and Hair
Who would have thought the true secret to beauty is more orgasms? A 2009 study showed that orgasms raise your levels of estrogen [6]. This is great because estrogen is important for maintaining youthful skin, skin thickness, resistance to wrinkles and skin moisture.
And generally, during sex, you’re getting more blood flowing around, which means more oxygen, which means more collagen production. And since collagen plays an important part in hair follicle function, it makes your hair look better too.
Raises Your Pain Tolerance/Reduces Pain
Beverly Whipple is a famous sex expert in the US who found that women's pain tolerance increased by 74.6% and pain detection increased by 106.7% when those women reached the big O.
Another professor, Barry R. Komisaruk, says, “We’ve seen that there is a strong inhibition of the response to pain during orgasm.”
And if you experience migraines, get yourself ready to pleasure yourself or be pleasured, because a 2013 study from the University of Münster in Germany showed a link between sexual activity and headaches and migraines, with more than half enjoying moderate to complete relief [7].
Regulates Your Menstrual Cycle
All that blood rushing to your mappa Tassie during sex is a real good thing, it turns out, for your cycle. Studies demonstrate that women who reach a climax at least once a week are more likely to have regular menstrual cycles than their poor sisters who are having a dry patch [8].
If you’d like to get it on more often but aren’t sure how to start, explore our female arousal enhancers. These gels, pills and balms for women can make the difference to get you toey again.
Strengthens Your Pelvic Floor
We’ve all got pelvic floors, even though some blokes are in denial about theirs. When you cum, it’s a big workout for the muscles in your pelvic region. Cumming regularly is thus an important step toward getting your pelvic floor as fit as a mallee bull. You could do Kegel exercises, but why not enjoy some sexercise instead? A strong pelvic floor helps with bladder control, core strength and yes blokes, erectile dysfunction.
A study in the Journal of Women’s Health, Issues and Care makes the case that the pelvic floor will be stronger and healthier with regular bouts of the big O [9].
Increases Body Confidence/Self-Esteem
There’s a positive feedback loop with sex – having orgasms makes you feel better about your body, and that makes you more likely to enjoy more sex.
In 2011, researchers found that sexual pleasure among young adults is linked to healthy psychological and social development, with measures of self-esteem, autonomy, and empathy highest among young women [10].
The more sex the women in the study had, the more body confident they felt and the more sex they wanted to enjoy.
Improves Brain Functioning
Having a wank in an MRI machine wouldn’t be everyone woman’s sex fantasy. But it helped researchers discover that "orgasm increased blood flow to so many brain regions that the brain lighted up like a Christmas tree. Increased blood flow means that the brain is getting a wonderful and nutritious workout," according to lead researcher Nan Wise.
Go figure – instead of doing your homework and studying hard when you were a student, you could have been stimulating your brain by indulging in a spot of love budding instead.
Improves Heart Health
So sex helps your brain ... but what about your heart? Good news, guys: Many studies have shown the health benefits of orgasm on your heart. All those hormones, all that blood pumping.
A 2019 study found that heart attack survivors who had sex more than once a week were 27% less likely to die during the 22-year study period compared with those who did not have sex at all [11].
One study found that women who enjoy regular orgasms have a decreased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Verdict: Go enjoy more horizontal folk dancing.
Reduces Your Risk of Prostate and Breast Cancer
As if we needed one more health benefit of sex – it reduces your risk of certain cancers. Blokes, the good news is that shaking hands with the wife’s best friend may help ward off prostate cancer.
A decade-long study showed that ejaculating at least four times per week can lower a man's risk for prostate cancer by up to 30% in men over 50 [12]. Howzat!
Women, what’s good for the gander is good for the goose. “Researchers have suggested that sexual expression may lead to a decreased risk of cancer because of the increase in levels of oxytocin and DHEA,” according to a Planned Parenthood white paper.
Need We Say More?
It’s clear as crystal that the health benefits of sex are real. The benefits of orgasm mean we should all enjoy as much of it as we fancy because sex truly is good for us.
To get into the mood, and boost your ability to orgasm, why not check out our range of orgasm boosters?
[1] Muise, A., Schimmack, U., & Impett, E. A. (2016). Sexual Frequency Predicts Greater Well-Being, But More is Not Always Better. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(4), 295–302.
[2] Dick Jones Communications. (2012, January 21). Sleep vs. cuddling: Study looks at what happens after sex. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 17, 2021 from
[3] Haake, P., Krueger, T. H., Goebel, M. U., Heberling, K. M., Hartmann, U., & Schedlowski, M. (2004). Effects of sexual arousal on lymphocyte subset circulation and cytokine production in man. Neuroimmunomodulation, 11(5), 293–298.
[4] Whipple, B., Knowles, J., & Davis, J. (2003). The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
[5] Kalmbach, D. A., Arnedt, J. T., Pillai, V., & Ciesla, J. A. (2015). The impact of sleep on female sexual response and behavior: a pilot study. The journal of sexual medicine, 12(5), 1221–1232.
[6] van Anders, S. M., Brotto, L., Farrell, J., & Yule, M. (2009). Associations among physiological and subjective sexual response, sexual desire, and salivary steroid hormones in healthy premenopausal women. The journal of sexual medicine, 6(3), 739–751.
[7] Hambach, A., Evers, S., Summ, O., Husstedt, I. W., & Frese, A. (2013). The impact of sexual activity on idiopathic headaches: An observational study. Cephalalgia, 33(6), 384–389.
[8] Cutler, W., Garcia, C.R., & Kreiger, A. (1979). Sexual Behavior Frequency and Menstrual Cycle Length in Mature Premenopausal Women. Psychoneuroendrocrinology. Vol 4, pp.297 to 309. C. Pergamon Press 1979
[9] Reider B (2016) Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles in Female Orgasmic Response. J Womens Health, Issues Care 5:6. https://doi:10.4172//2325-9795.1000250
[10] Galinsky, Adena M. et al. The Association Between Developmental Assets and Sexual Enjoyment Among Emerging Adults. Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 48, Issue 6, 610 – 615
[11] Kepler, S.B. et al. Frequency of Sexual Activity and Long-term Survival after Acute Myocardial Infarction. The American Journal of Medicine, Published: July 08, 2019,
[12] Rider, J. R., Wilson, K. M., Sinnott, J. A., Kelly, R. S., Mucci, L. A., & Giovannucci, E. L. (2016). Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up. European urology, 70(6), 974–982.